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Printing Invoices

If you require a paper invoice for the billable work order, you can print the invoice from either inside the work order Billing Info panel, or from the Billings to Send indicator on your dashboard. *Note: Before printing, make sure all billing information has been entered on the invoice.

Printing an Invoice from the Billing Info Panel

  1. Enter the work order number in the search box and click on the search button.
  2. On the Search - Work Orders page, click on the blue hyper linked work order number.
  3. Click on the Billing Info panel to expand this section.
  4. Click the Print Invoice button.


Printing an Invoice from the Billings to Send Dashboard

  1. Click on the Home tab.
  2. In the Reminders section, click on Billings to Send.
  3. Check the boxes next to the work orders for which you need to print an invoice and click the Print Invoice link.
  4. Alternatively, if you only need to print one invoice, use the mouse over actions to the right of the work order and click Print Invoice.



The invoice will look similar to the image below: